• “Certification Pet Parents Can Trust”

Approved CEUs

Special thank you to the following PACCC CEU providers for their quality CEU programs. To quickly identify programs provided by these sponsors, use the convenient Search Category dropdown, below.

If you are currently certified, PACCC approves the following programs for continuing education credits. Third-party education providers offer these programs. For information, price, and how to register, please follow the links above.

Don’t see a program you feel should be approved? Visit the Program Application page and submit it for approval.

Click on the links below to filter:


1 CEU A Recipe for Success from Pioneers in Pet Care

Photo of 1 CEU A Recipe for Success from Pioneers in Pet Care
A Recipe for Success from Pioneers in Pet Care Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/

After 25 years in business, we want to share the things that have helped us grow and thrive over the years. From the ways we differentiated ourselves in the beginning, to ways that we still innovate today, our presentation will inspire attendees to bring back new ideas to improve employee relations, create financial stability and to craft that “Wow!” experience for customers.

1.5 CEU Are you and your business ready for a general manager

Photo of 1.5 CEU Are you and your business ready for a general manager
Are you and your business ready for a general manager IBPSA

2 CEU Are You Ready for a Manager?

Photo of 2 CEU Are You Ready for a Manager?
Are You Ready for a Manager? Website: https://www.hatchbuck.co/1bvwoM

A free four-part video training series will help you determine if you and your pet business are ready for a manager. It will guide you through the steps to prepare and hire the right candidate and then developing structure for onboarding and leading your new manager.

1 CEU Ask A Vet Webinar

Photo of 1 CEU Ask A Vet Webinar
Ask A Vet Webinar

With the Chatfield’s. Winter 2023.

12 CEU Become a Pet Tech® Instructor

Photo of 12 CEU Become a Pet Tech® Instructor
Become a Pet Tech® Instructor Pet Tech®

1 CEU Behavioral Medications: What Daycare Staff Need to Know

Photo of 1 CEU Behavioral Medications: What Daycare Staff Need to Know
Behavioral Medications: What Daycare Staff Need to Know Website: https://ownersofdogdaycares.com/

Behavioral medications are being used more commonly in the veterinary field, and for good reason! Behavioral medications can be the thing that allows a family to keep their beloved dog. This presentation will cover general types of behavioral medication, myths and facts surrounding them, what are things that daycare staff should know about veterinary behavioral medications, and what things they should watch for in the pets in their care.

1 CEU Best Cleaning Practices & why they work

Photo of 1 CEU Best Cleaning Practices & why they work
Best Cleaning Practices & why they work

The goal of this class is to share ideas with owners & managers on how to get the cleaning results you’re looking. This talk will be about best practices in Odor Control, Disinfection, and Spot Cleaning. How to do it for the least amount of time and money while creating a healthy environment for the animals in your care.

5 CEU Best Year Ever Strategy Week

Photo of 5 CEU Best Year Ever Strategy Week
Best Year Ever Strategy Week Website: https://www.hatchbuck.co/REJAEd

This is a replay of the 2023 Strategy Week. 5 hours of training to set up your pet business foundation to light a fire under your pet business. Includes a 60 page workbook.

1.25 CEU Bite Prevention

Photo of 1.25 CEU Bite Prevention
Bite Prevention Presenter: FetchFind

-Bite Levels: What They Are & What They Mean

-Reading Body Language in a Fearful Dog

-Safe Greetings

-Reading Body Language of Arousal & Aggression

-Arousal & Threshold

-When the Worst Happens: What to Do If a Bite Occurs

Resources: Bite Levels Cheat Sheet, Canine Ladder of Aggression

2 CEU Bloodborne Pathogen Program

Photo of 2 CEU Bloodborne Pathogen Program
Bloodborne Pathogen Program Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This course is meant to prepare the pet care service provider in meeting the safety requirements required to control exposure of employees and pets to bloodborne pathogens. Course includes topics such as: Management policy statement, general responsibilities, covered job tasks, list of affected employees, exposure control plan, training requirements, medical records, labeling requirements, hepatitis B vaccination declination form, post-exposure evaluation and follow-up, bloodborne pathogen training acknowledgement.

Format: PDF self-study course, PPT presentation, online testing

1.5 CEU Brand protection for pet businesses with a special segment on social media

Photo of 1.5 CEU Brand protection for pet businesses with a special segment on social media
Brand protection for pet businesses with a special segment on social media

Discussions on business, contract, trademark, and copyright laws as they relate to pet businesses.

1 CEU Bringing in more customers and building your brand with FB Ads

Photo of 1 CEU Bringing in more customers and building your brand with FB Ads
Bringing in more customers and building your brand with FB Ads IBPSA

9 CEU Business Breakthrough Workshop

Photo of 9 CEU Business Breakthrough Workshop
Business Breakthrough Workshop The Dog Gurus

This is the Workshop you need to plan your way forward in the post-covid world of inflation, wage increases, and staff shortages!  Your business can still thrive…we will show you how! Bring your key staff and go home with specific plans for hiring new team members, updating your pricing, and adding profitable activities to your business. Be ready to soar!

1 CEU Can Benevolent Leadership End Your Staff Drama?

Photo of 1 CEU Can Benevolent Leadership End Your Staff Drama?
Can Benevolent Leadership End Your Staff Drama? Presenter: The Dog Gurus Website: https://www.thedoggurus.com/

Make the same benevolent leadership model used with the dogs work for your staff. You’ll learn the multiple roles of an effective leader and the top tools you need in your manager’s toolbox to effectively manage and lead your team without the drama.

3 CEU Canine and Feline CPR and First Aid

Photo of 3 CEU Canine and Feline CPR and First Aid
Canine and Feline CPR and First Aid Presenter: Pet Emergency Education Website: http://www.petemergencyeducation.com/

Course/Program Content Description: The PetCPR+ Certification program is designed to train the participant in canine and feline CPR and First Aid. It is our foundation animal CPR training that is ideal for anyone who loves animals including animal professionals, obedience trainers, kennel staff, pet retailers, pet sitters, animal shelter staff/volunteers, rescue personnel, groomers, First Responders, Fire/EMT and pet owners. It provides the participant an overview of what to do in an emergency situation with their pet prior to getting veterinary care. Topics covered in this class will include safe handling, restraint and transportation of sick and/or injured pets, obtaining vital signs and assessing an emergency situation, how to determine if an animal is experiencing a medical emergency, how to manage common medical emergencies including shock, allergic reactions, burns, wounds and bandaging, trauma, poisoning, choking and more. Participants will learn how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation using the most current veterinary endorsed methods.

Format: In-Person Presentation or Course

2 CEU Canine Behaviour and Communication

Photo of 2 CEU Canine Behaviour and Communication
Canine Behaviour and Communication Presenter: FetchFind

-What is Normal Behavior? -How to Deal with Barking -Reading Body Language in a Calming Signals Fear, Anxiety, & Phobia Defined Neutral or Friendly Dog -Predatory Motor Patterns -Arousal & Threshold -Reading Body Language in a -What is Sociability? -Aggression 101 Fearful Dog -What is Socialization? -Guide to Aggression Types -Reading Body Language of -Canine Scent Communication -Defining Dominance Arousal & Aggression -Canine Sound Communication -What is Resource Guarding? -Anthropomorphism: What is It & -Why Dogs Bark Why Does It Matter? Resources: The Complete List of Calming Signals, Canine Ladder of Aggression, Attention-Seeking Behavior, Quick Guide to Polite Greetings, Counter Surfing, Why Dogs Hump & What to Do About It, Digging

1 CEU Canine Body Language and Social Behavior: A Veterinary Behaviorist’s Perspective

Photo of 1 CEU Canine Body Language and Social Behavior: A Veterinary Behaviorist’s Perspective
Canine Body Language and Social Behavior: A Veterinary Behaviorist’s Perspective Website: https://ownersofdogdaycares.com/

Understanding social behavior and body language is important for the smooth running of a daycare. This presentation will review body language and social behavior commonly seen in the daycare environment, what they may indicate from a veterinary behavior perspective, and how to determine whether the behaviors are appropriate or may indicate a deeper concern.

16 CEU Canine Certification

Photo of 16 CEU Canine Certification
Canine Certification Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This program is a 2 level program Canine Provider and Canine Specialist. Course is designed to introduce the student to the basic care of canines. Major areas covered in Provider Level are: Basic Anatomy/ Physiology, Basic Behavior: Body language, Visual Assessment of Animal: ex. Body fluids, is animal sick or healthy, behaviors of a sick animal, parasites, Environment: Why it is important, Nutrition: Food prep, eating or not eating, Safety and handling techniques, Emergency Care: Basic reporting procedures. Major areas covered in Specialist Level are: Intake Policies/Records, Commonly Seen Medical Problems, Medical Emergencies, First Aid, Medications, Geriatric & Special Needs, Stress, Behavior – Group Play, Nutrition, Employee Safety, Client Relations, Going Green.

Format: Online

1 CEU Canine Development

Photo of 1 CEU Canine Development
Canine Development Presenter: FetchFind


-The Socialization Period


-The Neonatal Period

-The Juvenile Period

-The Senior Period

-The Transition Period

-Adolescence Resources: Canine Development Cheat Sheet, Relative Age of Dogs in Human Years, Socialization Scavenger Hunt