• “Certification Pet Parents Can Trust”

Course, Program, or Certification


2 CEU Are You Ready for a Manager?

Photo of 2 CEU Are You Ready for a Manager?
Are You Ready for a Manager? Website: https://www.hatchbuck.co/1bvwoM

A free four-part video training series will help you determine if you and your pet business are ready for a manager. It will guide you through the steps to prepare and hire the right candidate and then developing structure for onboarding and leading your new manager.

12 CEU Become a Pet Tech® Instructor

Photo of 12 CEU Become a Pet Tech® Instructor
Become a Pet Tech® Instructor Pet Tech®

5 CEU Best Year Ever Strategy Week

Photo of 5 CEU Best Year Ever Strategy Week
Best Year Ever Strategy Week Website: https://www.hatchbuck.co/REJAEd

This is a replay of the 2023 Strategy Week. 5 hours of training to set up your pet business foundation to light a fire under your pet business. Includes a 60 page workbook.

1.25 CEU Bite Prevention

Photo of 1.25 CEU Bite Prevention
Bite Prevention Presenter: FetchFind

-Bite Levels: What They Are & What They Mean

-Reading Body Language in a Fearful Dog

-Safe Greetings

-Reading Body Language of Arousal & Aggression

-Arousal & Threshold

-When the Worst Happens: What to Do If a Bite Occurs

Resources: Bite Levels Cheat Sheet, Canine Ladder of Aggression

2 CEU Bloodborne Pathogen Program

Photo of 2 CEU Bloodborne Pathogen Program
Bloodborne Pathogen Program Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This course is meant to prepare the pet care service provider in meeting the safety requirements required to control exposure of employees and pets to bloodborne pathogens. Course includes topics such as: Management policy statement, general responsibilities, covered job tasks, list of affected employees, exposure control plan, training requirements, medical records, labeling requirements, hepatitis B vaccination declination form, post-exposure evaluation and follow-up, bloodborne pathogen training acknowledgement.

Format: PDF self-study course, PPT presentation, online testing

1 CEU Can Benevolent Leadership End Your Staff Drama?

Photo of 1 CEU Can Benevolent Leadership End Your Staff Drama?
Can Benevolent Leadership End Your Staff Drama? Presenter: The Dog Gurus Website: https://www.thedoggurus.com/

Make the same benevolent leadership model used with the dogs work for your staff. You’ll learn the multiple roles of an effective leader and the top tools you need in your manager’s toolbox to effectively manage and lead your team without the drama.

3 CEU Canine and Feline CPR and First Aid

Photo of 3 CEU Canine and Feline CPR and First Aid
Canine and Feline CPR and First Aid Presenter: Pet Emergency Education Website: http://www.petemergencyeducation.com/

Course/Program Content Description: The PetCPR+ Certification program is designed to train the participant in canine and feline CPR and First Aid. It is our foundation animal CPR training that is ideal for anyone who loves animals including animal professionals, obedience trainers, kennel staff, pet retailers, pet sitters, animal shelter staff/volunteers, rescue personnel, groomers, First Responders, Fire/EMT and pet owners. It provides the participant an overview of what to do in an emergency situation with their pet prior to getting veterinary care. Topics covered in this class will include safe handling, restraint and transportation of sick and/or injured pets, obtaining vital signs and assessing an emergency situation, how to determine if an animal is experiencing a medical emergency, how to manage common medical emergencies including shock, allergic reactions, burns, wounds and bandaging, trauma, poisoning, choking and more. Participants will learn how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation using the most current veterinary endorsed methods.

Format: In-Person Presentation or Course

2 CEU Canine Behaviour and Communication

Photo of 2 CEU Canine Behaviour and Communication
Canine Behaviour and Communication Presenter: FetchFind

-What is Normal Behavior? -How to Deal with Barking -Reading Body Language in a Calming Signals Fear, Anxiety, & Phobia Defined Neutral or Friendly Dog -Predatory Motor Patterns -Arousal & Threshold -Reading Body Language in a -What is Sociability? -Aggression 101 Fearful Dog -What is Socialization? -Guide to Aggression Types -Reading Body Language of -Canine Scent Communication -Defining Dominance Arousal & Aggression -Canine Sound Communication -What is Resource Guarding? -Anthropomorphism: What is It & -Why Dogs Bark Why Does It Matter? Resources: The Complete List of Calming Signals, Canine Ladder of Aggression, Attention-Seeking Behavior, Quick Guide to Polite Greetings, Counter Surfing, Why Dogs Hump & What to Do About It, Digging

16 CEU Canine Certification

Photo of 16 CEU Canine Certification
Canine Certification Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This program is a 2 level program Canine Provider and Canine Specialist. Course is designed to introduce the student to the basic care of canines. Major areas covered in Provider Level are: Basic Anatomy/ Physiology, Basic Behavior: Body language, Visual Assessment of Animal: ex. Body fluids, is animal sick or healthy, behaviors of a sick animal, parasites, Environment: Why it is important, Nutrition: Food prep, eating or not eating, Safety and handling techniques, Emergency Care: Basic reporting procedures. Major areas covered in Specialist Level are: Intake Policies/Records, Commonly Seen Medical Problems, Medical Emergencies, First Aid, Medications, Geriatric & Special Needs, Stress, Behavior – Group Play, Nutrition, Employee Safety, Client Relations, Going Green.

Format: Online

1 CEU Canine Development

Photo of 1 CEU Canine Development
Canine Development Presenter: FetchFind


-The Socialization Period


-The Neonatal Period

-The Juvenile Period

-The Senior Period

-The Transition Period

-Adolescence Resources: Canine Development Cheat Sheet, Relative Age of Dogs in Human Years, Socialization Scavenger Hunt

2 CEU Canine Health and Wellness

Photo of 2 CEU Canine Health and Wellness
Canine Health and Wellness Presenter: FetchFind

Common Health Issues: -Foods That Are Dangerous to Dogs -Common Canine Health Problems -Bloat -Heatstroke -Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease -Intestinal Parasites -External Parasites -Heartworm Basics -Common Zoonotic Diseases Administering Medication: -Pills -Liquid Medicine -Subcutaneous Injections Keeping Pets Healthy: -When to Take a Dog to the Vet -Guide to Canine Vaccines -How to Trim a Dog’s Nails -How to Brush a Dog’s Teeth Resources: First Aid Kit for Pet Pros, First Aid Triage for Dog Walkers & Pet Sitters, Feeding Guidelines for Dogs, Proper Food Storage, Basic Canine Anatomy, Canine Vital Signs

2 CEU Caring for Your Senior Dog or Cat

Photo of 2 CEU Caring for Your Senior Dog or Cat
Caring for Your Senior Dog or Cat Website: Program Regsitration

Denise Fleck, the Pet Safety Crusader will take you on YOUR pet’s journey through the Autumn & Winter of his or her life. You will become more aware as to how your dog or cat will mature and grow older through the eyes of your best friend. You will learn what you can’t change (genes and years gone by) and what you can (exercise, nutrition and veterinary assistance) as well as ways to improve your pet’s quality of life. The heart of it all will be the discovery of things you and your fur kid can still do together, creating memories that will last beyond his or her lifetime. End-of-life decisions and loving again make this a heart-warming and informative webinar for everyone who wants those later years in their furry family member’s life to be the best they can be. Award-winning author Denise Fleck, known for bringing Pet CPR to national television, has personally taught more than 15,000 pet lovers animal life-saving skills and has a soft-spot for helping seniors live longer, happier, healthier lives with the humans they adore. Denise feels privileged to be on the Board of The Grey Muzzle Organization, and has shared her life with eleven senior dogs and one senior cat and through this webinar, hopes to make sure your older pet’s paw prints will forever remain on your heart.
More accreditations can be found here: http://www.petsafetycrusader.com/about/media-kit/#1471299107079-798349aa-36ff

8 CEU Certification: Avian Pet Care Provider

Photo of 8 CEU Certification: Avian Pet Care Provider
Certification: Avian Pet Care Provider Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This course covers basic avian anatomy and physiology. Discusses virtual assestment of avians: normal versus abnormal. Basic avian behaviors. Safety and handling techniques for avians in a boarding environment. Avian health as it relates to environment, nutrition, and basic emergencies.

8 CEU Certification: Avian Pet Care Specialist

Photo of 8 CEU Certification: Avian Pet Care Specialist
Certification: Avian Pet Care Specialist Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This course builds upon the information learned in the Avian Pet Care Provider course. This couse expands the students knowledge of intake policies and records, medical emergencies and first aid, geriatric and special needs pets, commonly seen medical problems, medications, nutrition and client relations.

8 CEU Certification: Ferret Pet Care Provider

Photo of 8 CEU Certification: Ferret Pet Care Provider
Certification: Ferret Pet Care Provider Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This course covers basic ferret anatomy and physiology. Discusses virtual assestment of a ferret: normal versus abnormal. Basic ferret behaviors. Safety and handling techniques for ferrets in a boarding environment. Ferret health as it relates to environment, nutrition, and basic emergencies.

8 CEU Certification: Ferret Pet Care Specialist

Photo of 8 CEU Certification: Ferret Pet Care Specialist
Certification: Ferret Pet Care Specialist Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This course builds upon the information learned in the Ferrect Pet Care Provider course. This course expands the students knowledge of intake policies and records, medical emergencies and first aid, geriatric and special needs pets, commonly seen medical problems, medications, nutrition and client relations.

8 CEU Certification: Guinea Pig Pet Care Provider

Photo of 8 CEU Certification: Guinea Pig Pet Care Provider
Certification: Guinea Pig Pet Care Provider Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

Developed by a group of industry specialist, this program provides the student with a comprehensive overview of guinea pig care and is intended to build a foundation for the “on the job” training given at a pet care business.

8 CEU Certification: Guinea Pig Pet Care Specialist

Photo of 8 CEU Certification: Guinea Pig Pet Care Specialist
Certification: Guinea Pig Pet Care Specialist Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

Developed by a group of industry specialist, this program continues to build upon the foundation established at the guinea pig pet care provider level. Overview: Intake Policies/Records, Commonly Seen Medical Problems, Medical Emergencies, Geriatric and Special Needs, Stress, Common Behavioral Problems, Nutrition, Employee Safety, Client Relations, Going Green

8 CEU Certification: Rabbit Pet Care Provider

Photo of 8 CEU Certification: Rabbit Pet Care Provider
Certification: Rabbit Pet Care Provider Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This course covers basic rabbit anatomy and physiology. Discusses virtual assestment of a rabbit normal versus abnormal. Basic rabbit behaviors. Safety and handling techniques for rabbits in a boarding environment. Rabbit health as it relates to environment, nutrition, and basic emergencies.

8 CEU Certification: Rabbit Pet Care Specialist

Photo of 8 CEU Certification: Rabbit Pet Care Specialist
Certification: Rabbit Pet Care Specialist Presenter: IBPSA Website: https://www.ibpsa.com/ceu/

This course builds upon the information learned in Rabbit Pet Care Provier course. This course expands the students knowledge of intake policies and records, medical emergencies and first aid, geriatric and special needs pets, commonly seen medical problems, medications, nutrition and client relations.