• “Certification Pet Parents Can Trust”

5 CEU Dog Handler Academy’s Business Marketing 101 - CEU List

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5 CEU Dog Handler Academy’s Business Marketing 101

Photo of 5 CEU Dog Handler Academy’s Business Marketing 101
Dog Handler Academy’s Business Marketing 101 Website: https://doghandleracademy.com/business-marketing-101/

You’ve got a website and social media, but do you know HOW to market your pet care business? In this course, pet industry marketing expert Joe Meyers covers how to create an authentic, personal experience in your marketing and how to determine if your marketing efforts are actually working for you. You’ll learn about marketing best practices as well as how to get more reviews for your business (AND how to handle negative reviews!). Topics include client storytelling, knowing your numbers, website best practices, digital advertising, local advertising, social media, email marketing, word of mouth marketing, printed marketing materials, event promotion, and hidden marketing gems.

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