• “Certification Pet Parents Can Trust”

1 CEU The Rosetta Bone: Decoding Canine Social Language - Certified Pet Care Professionals


There are three levels of PACCC certification: Certified Professional Animal Care Provider (CPACP), Manager (CPACM), and Operator (CPACO). The exams are appropriate for the position level one holds in the industry. To initially qualify for the exams, the following individuals had to meet significant minimum education and work experience requirements, as well as provide letters of reference from veterinarians and other pet care industry professionals. They then had to successfully pass an in-depth exam, conducted in-person at an approved PACCC testing location.  The first level of certification is CPACP, followed by CPACM which requires an increased level of education and experience, and then CPACO which requires even more. An advanced certification level does not require initial certification at another level. For example, becoming a CPACM does not require initial certification as a CPACP. The exams are appropriate for the position level the professional holds in the industry.

By becoming independently certified, these professionals are pet care pioneers and leaders in pet safety. To remain certified, a minimum amount of continuing education credits must be met.

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1 CEU The Rosetta Bone: Decoding Canine Social Language

Photo of 1 CEU The Rosetta Bone: Decoding Canine Social Language
The Rosetta Bone: Decoding Canine Social Language

The Rosetta Bone course delves into decoding the mysteries of canine social dynamics. Relearn the complex social language used by dogs to communicate with the world around them. Sessions will introduce understanding of The Rosetta Bone code, applications for using the Rosetta Bone in the everyday work of the Pet Professional, Kennel Operator, Dog Daycare, Trainer, Groomer, Walker, and personal companion dogs. As the role of the dog in our culture has changed- so has the need for new ways to look at their language and social cues- The Rosetta Bone offers this deeper look.

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