• “Certification Pet Parents Can Trust”

1 CEU Decompression in Pets - IBPSA

1 CEU Decompression in Pets

Photo of 1 CEU Decompression in Pets
Decompression in Pets Presenter: PACCC
Decompression in Pets and Professionals – Join us for a discussion on the importance of Decompression in the Animal Care Industry for both the pet and professional. We will review Decompression when bringing home a new pet; the addition of a pet; coping strategies during the holidays, or recent changes such as a move, family shift, fostering and COVID stress. Finally, we will also discuss the role of self-care for the Pet Care Professional.
PRESENTER: Jamie Engerdahl, Owner of Kinder Canine Coaching and Behaviour Consultant in Winnipeg Manitoba, CPACP, CPADT and an Animal Advocate/Activist/Rescue/Foster.

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