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15 CEU Dog Handler Academy Employee Training Monthly Membership Program - Pet Business Marketing

15 CEU Dog Handler Academy Employee Training Monthly Membership Program

Photo of 15 CEU Dog Handler Academy Employee Training Monthly Membership Program
Dog Handler Academy Employee Training Monthly Membership Program Website: https://doghandleracademy.com/get-started/

Course 101: Basic Dog Handler Training covers topics like handler behavior, collars and leashes, kennels and crates, and even how to clean up pee and poop properly. Course 201: Social Cues & Safety goes further into canine displays, play types and styles, stress warnings, dealing with physical aggression and latches, and advanced kenneling techniques. Course 301: Client Relations covers tone and eye contact, building rapport, settling nervous pet parents, discussing dog behavior at daycare, addressing common questions, and reinforcing policies. Course 401: Surviving & Thriving in the Workplace covers soft skills, effective communication among team members, the drama triangle, and more. Learn about our memberships and other products at http://www.doghandleracademy.com.

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