• “Certification Pet Parents Can Trust”

1 CEU How to Fail a Dog Without Alienating the Owners and Other Difficult Conversations - Pet Business Marketing

1 CEU How to Fail a Dog Without Alienating the Owners and Other Difficult Conversations

Photo of 1 CEU How to Fail a Dog Without Alienating the Owners and Other Difficult Conversations
How to Fail a Dog Without Alienating the Owners and Other Difficult Conversations Presenter: The Dog Gurus Website: https://www.petboardingexpowest.com

Course/Program Content Description:
How do you balance honesty about the dogs with the sensitive feelings of the pet parent in a way that doesn’t completely open you up to harassment or negative publicity? Learn the ins and outs of effective communication about evaluations and other touchy issues when you have challenging information to share. In this session, you’ll discover how you define your evaluation process determines the ease of talking to your client, the importance of practicing your conversations in advance, strategies to keeping your clients happy even when you have difficult news to tell them, words to use and avoid, why talking less is sometimes better, and ways to allow the owner to listen better.
Format: In-Person Presentation or Course

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